Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Post One: Self Preservation

Well, to anyone reading, I apologize for your boredom. Though, if you’re reading this, you’re not even close to how bored I was. I’ve been spending the summer trying to stay busy, but I keep finding myself on the couch watching re-runs of Law and Order, convincing the sorry saps around me that I’m a criminal genius because I’ve memorized who the killers are…
Somehow, that’s become boring. Shocking. I know.
So, what to do, I ask myself. Break a world record? Nope, takes too much repetitive…ness. Travel? Ha, yeah, that would be nice if I had some $$$. Lack of $$$ really cuts down your options A LOT, if anyone hasn’t noticed.
To cut to the chase, I decided to learn. What better way to spend summer? (Other than, well, anything else, like hanging out with friends or falling in love…)
But, how can I teach myself something I don’t know? Asked myself the very same thing you avid reader, you ;)
I decided to broaden my knowledge, challenge what I already know and see how well I really know it, or if I know it at all. (Wow…I think I just had a Captain Jack Sparrow moment). My specialty: Literature. Yes, literature. I’ve read all the classics: Moby Dick, King Lear, Lord of the Flies. You get the picture. So what to study? Hmmm…Twilight? (I’ll die first!!!) Absolutely not. That’s been the real challenge, but after immense amounts of deliberation, I’ve decided on two books, two selections of poetry, the May 2012 LDS Ensign for daily journals, and a handful of inspirational essays and free response poems. I’ll probably include some art projects too…since I have the time. And definitely some movie reviews if I get around to that. Basically, I’ll be doing A LOT of ungraded and unnecessary work. Nerd Alert!! Yeah, I get that a lot. But, sitting here, waiting for fall, just isn’t gonna cut it anymore.

I have 48 days until my fall semester starts. 48 days to complete these self-imposed assignments. 48 days to get through without slipping into insanity, or couch vegetation.
Feel free to follow along?


  1. Replies
    1. it's more addictive than you would think :)

  2. We'll you want to meet my nephew while your down here next weekend?
