Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Journal One: Racing

For my first journal entry, I chose to read The Race of Life by President Thomas S. Monson from the April 2012 General Conference. The title is what appealed to me, for lately I have felt like I was racing around, much like a dog chasing its tail. I wasn’t getting anywhere. I wasn’t progressing.
This talk really helped me to reset my perspective to the Eternal Setting we are often encouraged to keep, but often set aside.
President Monson talked about running the good race, fighting the good fight. The statement that really pricked my attention, and made me really pay attention to what I was reading was this: “In this fast paced life, do we ever pause for moments of meditation—even thoughts of timeless truths?”
Now, if you’re not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (aka the Mormon Church), don’t you worry. This isn’t a journal entry trying to convert you, or trying to place one religion above another. It’s simply a journal entry talking about the need to eliminate trivial things from our lives. No matter what religion you choose to believe, or whether you believe in any at all, everyone needs to examine what it is they spend their everyday doing.
For instance: my love and obsession with cop shows and murder mysteries (not so much in books mind you, but television and film). How useful is it to be able to solve a fictional mystery when someone on the screen is doing all the investigating while I lounge lazily on the couch and figure it out ten minutes before the climax? Not too useful in the grand scheme of things.
Well, what’s useful? Or as my father would say marketable?
I grew up hating that word. Marketable. What an annoying word. That’s all people care about anymore. How marketable am I? Will this get me a job? Am I more valuable than “them”?
What HORRIBLE questions!
I hope there was a time when people asked: What kind of person am I? Did I make a difference today? Did I brighten someone else’s day? Did I reflect God in my countenance? Did I give 100% at everything I did? Did I keep all my promises? Was I honest in all my dealings? Was I there for those in need? Did I enjoy my day? Did I do the right thing when presented with something difficult? Was I able to hold my head high and not let temptation or prejudice get the best of me? Did I set a good example for others to follow? Was I steadfast and immovable? Did I make God proud?

Here's a link to the talk by President Thomas S. Monson. Ready through and enjoy!

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