Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Movie Review: Fantasia
Wow, how long has this movie been out? 1940!! (Thank you And how many times have I watched it and still found it amazing? A few too many I’m guessing.
The  first piece by Bach is shown in a fashion that reminds me of a lab assignment I had in a psychology course I took. In the lab, we discusses synesthesia. Dr. Peter Grossenbacherâ’s definition of synesthesia is as follows: “Synesthesia is the conscious experience of systematically induced sensory attributes or sensations that are not experienced by most people that are under comparable conditions.”
He gives this example: “In one form of synesthesia, sounds enduce colors whereas most people don’t have any visual experience when hearing sounds, certain rare individuals have a lifelong experience of both hearing sounds and seeing colors when they hear sounds.” (Good thing he decided to put that in English, right?)
Towards the middle of the film, we are introduced to a lovely character known as the soundbite. Holy synesthesia, Batman! If ever there was a personification for what I'm talking about, it would be this lovely Disney character with no face, just color and sound. Simply lovely. 
Who knew we had all experienced this through a Disney classic?! Thanks Walt!

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