In the General Young Women’s Meeting, Mary N. Cook gave a
talk entitled: Seek Learning: You Have a
Work to Do. Normally, I steer away from young women’s topics that involve
anything to do with schooling or vocations. Especially when I was younger. As
I’ve grown however, I’ve gained a new perspective on things, especially
regarding the role of women in the church and in the home.
Recently, to my utter disgust and quaking anger, I read a
post on facebook by an acquaintance of mine (I should explain now that I have a
very low tolerance for ignorance). It
bashed on marriage and the bible in a short, ignorant paragraph. I had read it
yesterday and it was still bothering me today. I thought of it again as I read
this lovely talk. Granted, the talk isn’t entirely about marriage, but it still
made it evident what the responsibilities
are for a mother, rather than the common misconception and poorly understood
connotation of the role of a woman in society. True, in bible times, the women
were treated differently. They were also treated differently in the middle ages
and in the 1920’s in early America. Women’s rights have been a long argued
topic, but when it comes to being a mother, women DO have certain
responsibilities that are non-negotiable.
As Sister Cook invites and instructs women to gain an
education to be able to support themselves should the need or desire arise, she
also points out that, “A mother’s education level has a profound influence on
the educational choices of her [children].” Profound? Not really. She goes on
to explain, “Educated women “tend to: Give birth to healthier babies, have
children who are healthier, be more confident, resilient and have improved
reasoning and judgment.”
Being a mother is a privilege. Being a woman is a divine
calling. Being a man is, also, a divine calling. Working together, as man and
wife, to produce a family and send new people into the world to be productive
and happy members of society…that is
a piece of Heaven, and should be treated and regarded as such.
To address this acquaintance’s stab at marriage and wanting
to change the definition: No. Yes, God took a rib from Adam’s side on purpose to create Eve. He could have
created her as he did Adam, but he chose to make her a part of Adam, taking from his side.
Not from his feet, nor from his shoulders or head. He took from Adam’s SIDE. Men and women were meant to be
equal from the beginning, it just took us, imperfect humans, time and
experience to realize such a fact. Marriage, in the bible terms, isn’t meant to
be a dominion of one partner over another, but to be an equal and sacred
partnership charged with the responsibility of creating life and raising it
with love.
Please feel free to read this lovely talk and enjoy!